Understanding Girl Child: Essential in Leading to Progression of Country


Dr. Radhika Kapur


The individuals, belonging to rural communities in some cases form the viewpoint that girls are liabilities. They will only make demands and will not yield any returns on investments. On the other hand, they give more preference to male children. They believe male children are assets and they will render an important contribution in promoting well-being and goodwill of their families and communities, provided they are given opportunities to do so. Hence, individuals are making provision of good-quality education and leading to up-gradation of their skills and abilities. But with advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization, individuals are bringing about transformations in their viewpoints and perspectives. They have reinforced the viewpoint that girls can also render an important contribution in leading to development of their families and communities, hence, they should be encouraged towards getting enrolled in educational institutions and training centres. As a consequence, they will lead to up-gradation of skills and abilities and will make use of these in an effective manner. As a consequence, not only girls will promote enhancement of their overall standards of living, but they will contribute efficiently in leading to progression of communities and nation. Therefore, it is well-understood, acquiring an efficient understanding of the girl child is essential in leading to progression of country. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, measures to be implemented in promoting well-being and goodwill of girl child, advantages of upbringing girl child in an effective manner and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

Keywords: Abilities, Competencies, Effectiveness, Girl Child, Goodwill, Progression, Up-bringing, Well-being


How to Cite
Dr. Radhika Kapur. (2023). Understanding Girl Child: Essential in Leading to Progression of Country. The Journal of Social Sciences Studies and Research, 3(06), Page: 224–230. Retrieved from http://tjsssr.com/index.php/tjsssr/article/view/112