Crime against Women: Impediments within the course of Progression of Women


Dr. Radhika Kapur


The individuals, belonging to all communities are putting into operation various types of criminal and violent acts against women and girls. These are experienced within as well as outside the homes. In other words, family and community members are involved in the implementation of these acts. As a consequence, physical and psychological health conditions of the victims get affected. Furthermore, women and girls experience decline in motivation and concentration levels towards putting into operation different types of tasks and activities. Within personal and professional lives, victims experience decline in enthusiasm levels. The family and community members are regarded to impose these acts on women and girls. The different types of these acts are, verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual harassment, discriminatory treatment, emotional abuse, acid attacks, grievous hurt, domestic violence, neglect and mistreatment and child trafficking. The victims of these acts recuperate and in some cases, they may prove to be fatal as well. Hence, individuals are required to be well-informed in terms of different factors, which are necessary in reinforcing the traits of morality and ethics. These are facilitating in treating women and girls with respect and courtesy. Therefore, it is well-understood, as a consequence of treating women and girls with respect and courtesy, individuals will render an important contribution in curbing various types of criminal and violent acts. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, criminal and violent acts against women, effects of criminal and violent acts, and measures to be implemented in curbing criminal and violent acts.

Keywords: Communities, Crime, Impediments, Goodwill, Opportunities, Violence, Well-being, Women


How to Cite
Dr. Radhika Kapur. (2023). Crime against Women: Impediments within the course of Progression of Women. The Journal of Social Sciences Studies and Research, 3(06), Page: 238–244. Retrieved from