Managing Psychological Problems Efficiently: Essential in leading to Up-gradation of Personality Traits


Dr. Radhika Kapur


From the stage of early childhood, throughout the lives of the individuals, they are overwhelmed by different types of psychological problems of anger, stress, anxiety, frustration and depression. These are experienced in a major or minor form. Hence, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to be well-equipped in terms of ways that are necessary in managing psychological problems in an efficient manner. The ways are put into operation on one’s own as well as through obtaining support and assistance from others. The family members, relatives, friends, educators, supervisors, employers and professional counselors are the individuals, who provide support and assistance in managing the different types of psychological problems in an efficient manner. As a consequence, the individuals are able to render an important contribution in bringing about improvements in one’s overall standards of living. Furthermore, they will possess an approachable nature and an amiable attitude. When the individuals are putting into operation the measures to cope with different types of psychological problems, they will be able to promote a normal mind-set. In this manner, they will incur the feelings of pleasure and contentment. Therefore, it is well-understood, managing psychological problems efficiently is essential in leading to up-gradation of personality traits. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning of psychological problems, measures to be implemented in the management of psychological problems and advantages of managing psychological problems.

Keywords: Individuals, Job Duties, Managing, Personal, Professional, Psychological Problems, Skills


How to Cite
Dr. Radhika Kapur. (2023). Managing Psychological Problems Efficiently: Essential in leading to Up-gradation of Personality Traits. The Journal of Social Sciences Studies and Research, 3(04), Page: 173–179. Retrieved from