Utilization of Science and Technology in Rural Communities have contributed significantly in enriching


Dr. Radhika Kapur


The primary objective of this research paper is to find out how the utilization have contributed significantly in enriching their lives. In rural communities, the individuals are rendering a significant contribution towards leading to up-gradation of technical skills among themselves. They are getting enrolled in training centres and pursuing programs. The science and technologies have proven to be beneficial to the individuals in number of areas. These are, agriculture and farming practices, production of artworks, handicrafts, pottery making, silk weaving, garments manufacturing and so forth, education, implementation of household responsibilities, leisure and recreation purposes and so forth. The utilization of science and technology have been beneficial to the rural individuals on a large scale. The reason being, they are able to put into practice their tasks and activities in a less time consuming and efficient manner. Furthermore, they need to be well-equipped in terms of utilization of modern, scientific and innovative methods. Therefore, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to augment their knowledge and understanding in terms of utilization of various types of technologies. The main areas that are taken into account in this research paper are, benefits of science and technologies to rural individuals, how science and technologies have promoted well-being of rural individuals and utilization of technologies in enhancing career prospects.


How to Cite
Dr. Radhika Kapur. (2021). Utilization of Science and Technology in Rural Communities have contributed significantly in enriching . The Journal of Social Sciences Studies and Research, 1(02), Page: 33–44. Retrieved from https://tjsssr.com/index.php/tjsssr/article/view/11