Understanding the Meaning and Significance of Educational Leadership


Radhika Kapur


In educational institutions of all levels and in the system of higher education in India, the information is generatedby leaders in terms of ways that would facilitate in leading to up-gradation of leadership functions. The enhancement of quality education is essential in the formation of sustainable human resource base. Furthermore, this contributes significantly in leading to progression of the members and the overall system of education. Honing leadership skills would facilitate in carrying out the functioning of the overall system of education in an appropriate manner.Educational leadership is referred to the process of managing and enlisting the aptitudes, competencies and capabilities of the teachers, students and parents towards achievement of academic goals and leading to up-gradation of the overall system of education. Throughout the implementation of one’s job duties, there are occurrence of various types of problems and challenges. Hence, in order to provide solutions to them and prevent them from assuming a major form, the individuals need adequate guidance and direction from their leaders. The leaders need to augment their knowledge, skills and abilities on regular basis. Therefore, it is understood on a comprehensive basis that educational leadership is fundamental in the achievement of all types of educational goals. The main concepts that are taken into account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning of educational leadership, factors highlighting the significance of educational leadership and measures to be implemented in reinforcing educational leadership.


How to Cite
Radhika Kapur. (2021). Understanding the Meaning and Significance of Educational Leadership. The Journal of Social Sciences Studies and Research, 1(06), Page: 33–42. Retrieved from https://tjsssr.com/index.php/tjsssr/article/view/41