Urgent Need for Reform in the Examination System of Tribhuvan University: A Concept Paper


Dr. Ramesh Prasad Adhikary


Tribhuvan University holds a respected position in Nepal's educational landscape, known for its long history and large student population. However, recent news sheds light on significant flaws in its examination system, which have damaged the reputation of the university. This concept paper presents key reforms aimed at revitalizing the examination process and rebuilding trust of Tribhuvan University. The challenges facing the examination system of TU have become apparent, highlighting the need for urgent action. Through careful analysis and forward-thinking, this paper identifies these challenges and proposes practical solutions to address them. By doing so, it aims to pave the way for a stronger, more reliable examination system that upholds the university's integrity and serves the needs of its students and stakeholders. For this journey of improvement, it is crucial to prioritize transparency, accountability, and excellence. By working together to implement these reforms, we can ensure that Tribhuvan University remains a beacon of learning and opportunity for generations to come.



  1. Hello Effect and Political Interference: The cases of favoritism, where certain teachers receive preferential treatment due to their connections with officials in the examination control office and the dean's office. This favoritism extends to opportunities such as being assigned as exam observers and participating in practical exams. Additionally, some teachers have notably low attendance rates, with one example being present for only 82 days in a year. The intrusion of political interests has compromised the fairness and integrity of the examination Political agendas often take precedence over educational goals, leading to undue pressure on examiners, manipulation of results, and biased grading practices. This interference not only undermines the credibility of examination but also erodes trust in the academic standards of the university.

  2. Lengthy Processes: The current examination system suffers from chronic delays in result publication, with some students waiting up to 19 months for their result to be released. Such prolonged waiting periods not only impede students' academic progression but also inflict financial burdens, as they are unable to pursue further studies or employment without official Additionally, the extended duration of bachelor's programs, stretching to six years instead of the standard four, diminishes the value of the degree and discourages prospective students from enrolling.

  3. Manual Processes: Despite advancements in technology, the examination system relies heavily on outdated manual processes. Physical submission and documentation not only consume time and resources but also increase the risk of errors, such as misplacement or mishandling of documents. Moreover, manual procedures are susceptible to biases and inconsistencies, undermining the fairness and reliability of assessments.

  4. Centralization: The centralized control over examination processes contributes to delays in service delivery. Decisions regarding examination scheduling, result publication, and certificate issuance are concentrated in a few administrative bodies, leading to bottlenecks and administrative This centralized structure not only hampers responsiveness to student needs but also impedes innovation and adaptability in the face of evolving challenges.

  5. Lack of Security Measures: The absence of robust security measures exposes the examination system to risks of fraud, tampering, and malpractice. Weak protocols for safeguarding answer sheets and examination materials leave them vulnerable to theft, loss, or unauthorized This compromises the confidentiality and integrity of assessments, casting doubt on the validity of academic credentials awarded by the university.

  6. Inadequate Infrastructure: Insufficient infrastructure and resources pose significant challenges to the smooth functioning of the examination Overcrowded examination centers, inadequate facilities for conducting practical examinations, and limited access to technology exacerbate logistical challenges and hinder the administration of fair and standardized assessments.


Addressing these complex challenges requires a comprehensive overhaul of the examination system, encompassing reforms in policy, technology, administration, and infrastructure. By prioritizing transparency, efficiency, and student-centricity, Tribhuvan University can overcome these obstacles and regain its stature as a beacon of academic excellence in Nepal. The recent appointment of a new leadership team at Tribhuvan University, selected on the basis of meritocracy and excellence, has instilled a sense of optimism for improvement, akin to a silver lining amid the prevailing challenges


Proposed Solutions:


  1. Digital Transformation:

  • Implementation of Digital Platforms: By introducing digital platforms for application, fee payment, and certificate issuance, the university can streamline administrative Students will benefit from simplified procedures, reduced paperwork, and faster transaction processing. Moreover, digital platforms enhance accessibility, allowing students to engage with examination-related services from anywhere with internet connectivity.

  • Development of User-Friendly Online Portal: A user-friendly online portal will serve as a central hub for students to access examination-related information, submit applications, track progress, and receive notifications. This portal will minimize the need for physical visits to examination offices, thereby saving time and effort for both students and administrative


  1. Regional Examination Centers:

  • Empowerment of Regional Offices: Regional offices will be empowered to collect answer sheets and conduct evaluations locally, leveraging subject matter experts residing in the respective This approach ensures timely and efficient assessment while maintaining the quality and integrity of evaluations. Additionally, granting regional offices access to the central database for transcript and mark sheet generation enables quicker service delivery to students.


  1. Decentralization and Calendar Adherence:

  • Devolution of Decision-Making Authority: Granting decision-making authority to regional offices enables them to adhere strictly to an annual calendar for admissions, examinations, and result declarations. This decentralization of control fosters greater autonomy and accountability at the regional level, ensuring smoother coordination and execution of examination-related

  • Implementation of Fixed Annual Schedule: Establishing a fixed annual schedule for examinations, admissions, and result announcements enhances predictability and clarity for students and stakeholders. Clear timelines and deadlines facilitate better planning and reduce uncertainty, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the examination system.


  1. Enhanced Security Measures:

  • Stringent Protocols: Implementation of stringent protocols for safeguarding answer sheets and examination materials is essential to prevent incidents of loss, tampering, or unauthorized access. Secure storage facilities, surveillance systems, and access controls help mitigate security risks and uphold the confidentiality and integrity of the examination process.

  • Prohibition of Teachers from Taking Answer Sheets Home: Prohibiting teachers from taking answer sheets home ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the evaluation process. Answer sheets must be handled and stored securely within designated examination centers, minimizing the risk of tampering or bias.


  1. Curriculum and Evaluation Reforms:

  • Revision of Question Patterns and Evaluation Methods: Aligning question patterns and evaluation methods with modern pedagogical practices and industry requirements enhances the relevance and effectiveness of Incorporating innovative assessment techniques, such as project-based assignments and practical demonstrations, fosters critical thinking and real-world application of knowledge.

  • Periodic Reviews of Curricula and Assessment Criteria: Though it doesn’t directly come under the domain of examination control office, suggestion can be given for CDC for the periodic review of Introducing periodic reviews of curricula and assessment criteria ensures their alignment with evolving educational trends and societal needs. Regular feedback mechanisms involving students, faculty, and industry experts facilitate continuous improvement and adaptation of educational programs to meet emerging challenges and opportunities.


By implementing these comprehensive solutions, Tribhuvan University can overcome the challenges plaguing its examination system and usher in a new era of efficiency, transparency, and student-centricity. These reforms not only address immediate concerns but also lay the groundwork for long-term sustainability and excellence in higher education.


Immediate Action Plan:

To translate these proposed reforms into tangible outcomes, the following immediate action plan is recommended:


  1. Establishment of Task Forces: Form task forces comprising university administrators, faculty members, IT experts, and student representatives to oversee the implementation of each reform initiative.

  2. Digital Transformation Initiative:

  • Develop a roadmap for the phased implementation of digital platforms for application, fee payment, and certificate issuance.

  • Initiate the development of a user-friendly online portal, with input from stakeholders to ensure its effectiveness and

  1. Regional Examination Centers Initiative:

  • Allocate resources for the establishment and operationalization of regional examination centers, including infrastructure, staffing, and technology.

  1. Decentralization and Calendar Adherence Initiative:

  • Delegate decision-making authority to regional offices and establish clear guidelines for adherence to an annual calendar for examinations, admissions, and result

  • Develop mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the fixed annual schedule to ensure compliance and

  1. Enhanced Security Measures Initiative:

  • Implement robust protocols and security measures for safeguarding answer sheets and examination materials at all levels of the examination process.

  • Conduct training sessions and awareness programs for staff and faculty members to emphasize the importance of adherence to security

  1. Curriculum and Evaluation Reforms Initiative:

  • Form curriculum review committees comprising subject matter experts and stakeholders to revise question patterns and evaluation methods.

  • Establish a regular cycle for conducting reviews of curricula and assessment criteria, with a focus on aligning them with contemporary educational standards and industry


By promptly executing this action plan, Tribhuvan University can lay the groundwork for comprehensive reform initiatives that will not only address existing challenges but also pave the way for a future characterized by excellence, innovation, and inclusivity in higher education.


Two-Year Action Plan to Improve the Education System of Tribhuvan University




Year 1



Month 1-2

- Establish Task Forces comprising university administrators, faculty members, IT experts, and student representatives. - Assign specific responsibilities and timelines to Task Force members. - Conduct orientation sessions for Task Force members.


Month 3-6

- Develop a roadmap for digital transformation. - Engage external consultants for needs assessment and feasibility study. - Establish a project management team. - Collaborate with IT experts to design online portal. - Organize training workshops and awareness campaigns.


Month 7-12

- Conduct geographical analysis for regional examination centers. - Collaborate with stakeholders to secure land and resources. - Develop architectural designs and infrastructure plans. - Recruit and train staff for regional examination centers. - Establish communication channels between central and regional offices.

Year 2



Month 13-18

- Devolve decision-making authority to regional offices. - Conduct capacity- building workshops for regional office staff. - Develop monitoring and evaluation framework. - Establish central oversight committee. - Implement IT-enabled monitoring systems.


Month 19-22

- Review and update security protocols and procedures. - Conduct risk assessments and vulnerability analyses. - Invest in physical security measures. - Develop and implement training programs. - Establish dedicated security task force.


Month 23-24

- Convene curriculum review committees. - Facilitate collaborative discussions and consultations. - Pilot innovative assessment techniques. - Establish feedback mechanisms. - Develop roadmap for implementation of reforms.


Through the diligent execution of this detailed two-year action plan, Tribhuvan University will lay the foundation for transformative reforms that enhance the efficiency, transparency, and quality of its examination system.



In conclusion, the proposed reforms presented in this concept paper offer a comprehensive strategy to tackle the systemic challenges afflicting the examination system of Tribhuvan University. By embracing digitalization, decentralization, and adherence to fixed schedules, the university can embark on a transformative journey towards enhancing efficiency, transparency, and credibility in its examination processes. Furthermore, by undertaking reforms in curriculum and evaluation methods, Tribhuvan University can ensure the delivery of high-quality and relevant education that nurtures the holistic development of students and contributes to the educational advancement of Nepal.


How to Cite
Dr. Ramesh Prasad Adhikary. (2024). Urgent Need for Reform in the Examination System of Tribhuvan University: A Concept Paper. The Journal of Social Sciences Studies and Research, 4(05), Page: 180–183. Retrieved from https://tjsssr.com/index.php/tjsssr/article/view/146